Sunday, February 17, 2013

Debugging Message Level addressed in standard.

Severity levels

RFC 5424 defines eight severity levels:
CodeSeverityKeywordDescriptionGeneral Description
0Emergencyemerg (panic)System is unusable.A "panic" condition usually affecting multiple apps/servers/sites. At this level it would usually notify all tech staff on call.
1AlertalertAction must be taken immediately.Should be corrected immediately, therefore notify staff who can fix the problem. An example would be the loss of a primary ISP connection.
2CriticalcritCritical conditions.Should be corrected immediately, but indicates failure in a primary system, an example is a loss of a backup ISP connection.
3Errorerr (error)Error conditions.Non-urgent failures, these should be relayed to developers or admins; each item must be resolved within a given time.
4Warningwarning (warn)Warning conditions.Warning messages, not an error, but indication that an error will occur if action is not taken, e.g. file system 85% full - each item must be resolved within a given time.
5NoticenoticeNormal but significant condition.Events that are unusual but not error conditions - might be summarized in an email to developers or admins to spot potential problems - no immediate action required.
6InformationalinfoInformational messages.Normal operational messages - may be harvested for reporting, measuring throughput, etc. - no action required.
7DebugdebugDebug-level messages.Info useful to developers for debugging the application, not useful during operations.

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